109th Session of the International Labour Conference (May-June 2021) General Briefing Note for Worker Delegates and Advisers

World Federation of Trade Unions

Date, place and agenda of the Conference The 109th Session of the International Labour Conference will be held in Geneva in a virtual format as follows. A brief opening session on Thursday, 20 May 2021 at 13.00 (Geneva time) to elect the Officers of the Conference, appoint its standing and technical committees and approve any adjustments to its Standing Orders and working methods necessary in view of the virtual format of the Conference. The Conference will be reconvened from 3 to 19 June 2021 to deal with all agenda items except items IV (inequalities in the world of work) and VI (skills and life-long learning). During this period, it will establish two working parties to deal with these two items. These two working parties will be held from Thursday 25 November to Friday 10 December 2021. The closing ceremony of the Conference will be held on Saturday 11 December 2021.…

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109th Session of the International Labour Conference (May-June 2021) General Briefing Note for Worker Delegates and Advisers