SACP Africa Day Statement

South African Communist Party

25 May 2021 Tribute to the revolutionaries who played a key role towards the founding of the Organisation of African Unity The South African Communist Party (SACP) guided by its centenary theme, Put People Before Profits, under the Party’s overall strategic theme, Socialism is the Future—Build it now, pays tribute to all the African revolutionaries who played key roles towards the founding of the Organisation of African Unity, the forerunner of the African Union. In celebrating Africa Day this year, we reflect on the historical struggles that the African people waged, chiefly against colonialism and imperialism, but also the national democratic struggles waged by Africans within their own countries against dictatorships and undemocratic changes of governments. African countries still have the task of resolving internal problems while at the same time waging the struggle to achieve freedom from imperialist domination and exploitation. Call for unity to end the legacy of…

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SACP Africa Day Statement