One ton of soap for Palestine was delivered in the WFTU central Offices from the Panhellenic Union of Soap Makers

World Federation of Trade Unions

One ton of soap for Palestine was delivered in the WFTU central Offices, today, from the Panhellenic Union of Soap Makers – member of PAME in Greece. The President of the Union Nikos Ksourafis and the cashier George Drettas sent their internationalism and solidarity to the heroic Palestinian people and underlined that they will gather more aid for the same cause. On behalf of the World Federation of Trade Unions we thank them. #ewic-con-119927 .flex-direction-nav .flex-next, #ewic-con-119927 .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {opacity: 1;} #ewic-con-119927 .flex-direction-nav .flex-next {right: 10px !important; text-align: right !important;} #ewic-con-119927 .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {left: 10px !important;} jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(“#preloader-119927”).fadeOut(2000, function () { $(“#ewic-con-119927”).addClass(“ready_to_show”); $(“a[rel^=’ewicprettyPhoto[119927]’]”).ewcPhoto({ theme: “ewc_default”, allow_expand: false, deeplinking: false, slideshow:5000, autoplay_slideshow:true, social_tools:false }); $(“.flexslider-119927”).fadeIn(1000); $(“#ewic-con-119927”).flexslider({ animation: “slide”, animationSpeed: 0, useCSS: false, easing: “easeInQuad”, direction: “horizontal”, slideshow: true, smoothHeight: true, pauseOnHover: true, controlNav: false, prevText: “”, nextText: “”, rtl: false, slideshowSpeed: 5000, start: function(slider){ $(“#ewic-con-119927”).find(“.flex-caption”).hide(); var curSlide = slider.find(“li.flex-active-slide”); $(curSlide).find(“.flex-caption”).slideDown(); }, before: function(slider) { $(“#ewic-con-119927”).find(“.flex-caption”).slideUp(); }, after: function(slider) { var curSlide = slider.find(“li.flex-active-slide”); $(curSlide).find(“.flex-caption”).slideDown(); } }); }); });  

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One ton of soap for Palestine was delivered in the WFTU central Offices from the Panhellenic Union of Soap Makers