Information for brotherly communist and workers parties

Dear comrades,

Our Central Committee have been receiving a number of questions by brotherly communist parties regarding the outcomes of the XXII Congress of RCWP-CPSU, where some former party members led by former Central Committee secretaries A.K. Cherepanov and V.N. Turulo split off. These two former СС secretaries have been spreading certain documents and attempting to present their group as a sort of “Bolshevik RCWP”, while using similar looking abbreviation – RCWP(b)-CPSU.

Now on behalf of our Central Committee we’d like to clarify the situation. XXII Congress of RCWP (Russian Communist Workers Party as a part of CPSU) was held in museum complex “Gorky Leninskie” near Moscow on April 24-25. 102 delegates representing 47 regional party organization took part in the work of the Congress. Participants of the Congress listened to and discussed the summary reports by both Central Committee and Central Control and Audit Commission of RCWP. Special importance of the Congress for elaboration of future development directions was due to the fact, that two years before the Congress because of creation of a party faction, that faction acting against program directives and contrary to the strict Marxist-Leninist politics of RCWP, the situation in the party had deteriorated.

In order to enable delegates to develop independent position regarding the dispute, the leaders of the faction were given opportunity to make their alternative reports where they presented their views on the situation in the party, as well as the ways to solve it. Thus, the delegates of the Congress were offered to choose between two political lines for the party.

The faction expressed petty-bourgeois views and fought against politics conducted by the chosen party leaders, while not shunning away from intrigues and slander. The first day of the Congress was characterized by the atmosphere of extremely sharp discussion and sharp clash of opinions on basic issues. Representatives of the faction (some 20 delegates representing 4 regional party organizations), on having found out that they failed to ensure support of the majority and after sharp criticism from party comrades, defiantly left the Congress and announced their intention to create a new “party” of their own.

Delegates of the Congress described this move by the faction as a process to strengthen the party by way of organizational delimitation with unstable elements. Most of the delegates representing 43 organizations went on working. In the outcome of the Congress there were adopted two important and principled documents: resolution “On unity of the party” and “Rulings on the summary report”.

Elections for new composition of Central Committee and Central Control and Audit Commission were held. Delegates of the Congress listened to the greetings from brotherly parties from various countries.

On finishing the Congress, there took place organizational plenary meetings of the chosen Central Committee and Central Control and Audit Commission of RCWP-CPSU.

Malentsov Stepan Sergeevich was elected 1st Secretary of the Central Committee. Comrades Alyab’ev, Tyulkin, Ferberov, Nikolaev and Batov were elected secretaries of the CC and members of the Political Council.

Editors in chief of party printed editions were also elected.

R.B. Kuznetsova was elected Chairwoman of the Central Control and Audit Commission.

The last Congress allowed developing measures to strengthen organization of the party and to maintain its orthodox Marxist-Leninist nature.

We’d like to inform comrades from brotherly parties that unfortunately the breakaway renegades haven’t discontinued their struggle against the party of Marxist-Leninist practice and carried out bourgeois politics in workers’ movement. Attempts have been undertaken by the faction either to enter established international communist organizations or to fraudulently represent themselves as RCWP’s representatives in these organizations. Thereby we kindly ask all comrades to keep ties with the legally elected leadership of RCWP (all contact data remains unchanged) and to intensify proletarian alertness towards renegades.

Let’s not falter on the chosen way!

With communist greetings,

Secretary of RCWP CC on international issues                               Viktor Tyulkin

Head of International Department of RCWP CC                            Andrey Chabanenko

Source: Articles – Russian Communist Workers Party