KKE BANNER ON THE ACROPOLIS – “No to the War, No involvement, No to the Bases of Death”

KKE BANNER ON THE ACROPOLIS – “No to the War, No involvement, No to the Bases of Death”

“No to the War, No involvement, No to the bases of death” writes the banner that KKE hung on the Acropolis early this morning.

The same message was proclaimed in English on the second banner that was unrolled right next to the first.

“No submission to imperialism, the only superpower are the peoples”.

With this slogan and the red flags framing the banner, KKE members send a clear message: On the same day that the government brings to Parliament the ratification of the US-Greece Agreement on Military Bases, they call on the people to fight to annul it, to intensify the struggle against any involvement and participation of the country in the imperialist slaughterhouses.

Source: Communist Youth of Greece